"A digital pet, also known as a virtual pet, is a type of artificial human companion: a simple computer designed to simulate a pet. The computer is usually housed in a small, egg-shaped plastic container, and the image of the "pet" is displayed on a simple black and white screen. Three or four buttons allow the user to perform different tasks, such as feed the pet, play games with it, or wash it. When the pet is unsatisfied, it beeps."
Today, I just adopted a pinky feline n named her 'Zuxue' :) Dis fun-n-simple-to-use 'virtual pet catalog' was given by Xue who earlier adopted a penguin named 'Biengu'?! Hmm... dat pet of urs does remind me of Pingu dear :p Cousins?
U might need to click on Zuxue to start playing with her. Have fun! :)
adopt your own virtual pet! |
"errkk..terpleot la leher saya papa.."..scream zuxue while users moving around their mouse..=D
dear one,
bukan nak mengata..
tapi tak ker awak ni dah terlalu besar nak main virtual pet lagi..
dah nak kawin pun..
only lonely person does that, my dear
Hehehe... bukannya kesunyian deknon tp tanda ujudnya sifat sygkan binatang gitu :p Ibarat Gabenor Madinah (semasa pemerintahan Muawiyah bin Abi Sufian) serta sahabat agung Rasulullah saw... Abdul Rahman bin Sakhrin Ad-Dausiy atau lebih dikenali sbg Abu Hurairah kerna sifatnya yg sygkan kucing :)
alasan jer tu..
i boleh jadi virtual lover u tau,
nak perbetulkan skit ayat yang ada diatas...bukan "terlalu besar" tapi "dah tua ghenta" nak main virtual pet....
woiiii..aku nak menjemput dah ni....4hb jun 2006 kat ktn..ko punya alamat mana aku nak poskan kad....dah la no tipon ko tu aku x de...isma harris aku dah tipon...bagi cepat ko punya add ngan no tipon ko...x pun msg aku kat 0169210127..
ok papa..jangan nakal2 ngan virtual pet ko yang BONGOK tu...
hikhik..virtual lover?..it's such a pity - song by weezer...:D
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