Well said... truthfully I can really relate to dis statement 'cause I myself own a Satria... Dlm diri yg berjiwa belia nie masih tingin nak memandu keta yg sporty habis... enjin berkuasa kuda thp maksimas... wiz all d nice bodykits n rims strap onto it... doing sum agresive driving... langgar suma speed limit along d way (tp kalu polis kejar aku brenti la:p)... dlm keta lak lengkap ngan ICE (in-car entertainment)... a mobile music box... living to d edge! But at d same time, aku tingin nak bwk family aku jln2... relax2 g picnic ker, g pasar tani ngan mak aku beli ikan ngan sayur, blk kpg ramai2 ngan adik beradik aku, angkut brg2 shopping my dearest Xue blablabla... hmm... sad to say, semmgnya Satria maroon aku xleh nak penuhi d 2nd part of d story... I know my mom hates my rumbling-exhaust car... :( (Xue pon dah mula bg daily hint on why I should change my car... tau la dear!)

Tgh2 idle aritu, aku sent emel pd R3 personnel ttg updates on dis model... n here's d reply:
Hello Mr. Saiful,
Thank you for your email. We’re very inspired that you are interested in our products. With regards to the PROTON Gen.2 R3, the project is still under development and currently there is no confirmed deadline for production. Because the Gen.2 R3 will be R3’s second Limited Edition Vehicle (LEV), our targets in terms of quality, refinement and performance will be very high and as such will require a considerable amount of time to perfect.
We’ve received many encouraging response from very interested customers like you and that makes us more determined to complete the project as soon as possible. Your continued support is much appreciated and will serve as a reminder to us at R3 that we have great expectation to live up to. In the meantime our development and production of Performance Parts for the PROTON Savvy, Gen.2 and Waja are well underway and will be launched in May in conjunction with the KL International Motorshow. We hope to see you there at our booth J.
Please feel free to contact me if you have more enquiries about R3’s products and services.
Amin A. Ashaari
Media Manager
Race · Rally · Research
la..sekali lagi wak lu lengkung kat ko....apa kejadahnya ko pakai satria....aku tunang 25hb..ko ikut...aku pakai satria pun ko ikut gak..dah la sama2 tahun ghimau...
tapi apapun satria best sket sebab 1.6...gua punya 1.3 je...dulu kaler ijau tapi sekang gua dah kaler baru honda champion white...dah nak pakai honda x dapat pakai kaler dia pun cukup la....interior gua pakai seat toyota levin..ada la rasa bucket skit2...ICE gua besa je..x de speaker2 besar cam lu...cuma cd/mp3 player & speaker jvc..tapi aku rasa yang mahal skit yg mengalahkan kete ko ialah 16" OZ racing F1 cup rim....hehehhe...
yang aku perasan bumper ko tu mahal...mula2 nak pakai bumper 2 tapi mahal sangat ...kat kuantan RM500...so aku pakai je la bumper honda eg...masyukkkkkkk gak..
ok dude.....welcome to satria club..
Citarasa ko mmg bermutu tinggi la Burn... selg selari ngan taste aku :p Nasib baik la aku dah pk nak nikah... kalu x MIVEC engine, Recaro seats, car home theater ngan automatic sun-roof suma aku letak dlm Satria aku tuu... tinggal kenangan!
Mmmg dah jd harapan menggunung aku agar Proton improve segala aspek kualiti produk dia sbb aku sendiri ngaku poket aku nie hanya mampu menyokong produk Buatan Malaysia :(
P/S: Moga kejayaan Renault di F1 mampu memberi suntikan baru pd collaboration between them... I hope so!
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